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Elias Gounopoulos

Elias Gounopoulos

The spotlight is on Dr. Elias Gounopoulos, University of Western Macedonia, Greece.

The University of Western Macedonia is located in Kozani, capital of the Western Macedonia region of Greece, lying some 75 miles (120 km) southwest of Thessaloniki, the country’s second largest city. The university has 43,500 students enrolled in seven schools and 22 departments, with campuses in five cities (Kozani, Florina, Kastoria, Ptolemaida, and Grevena).

The Department of Business Administration is one of the seven departments of the School of Economic Sciences. It runs an MBA in Management Information Systems (MIS), enabling graduates’ understanding of the development, exploration, and use of technology in business. It also offers a bachelor’s course in Database Fundamentals.

Assistant Professor Dr. Elias Gounopoulos teaches both undergraduates and postgraduates, versing them in the workings of relational database management systems. His classes follow the Oracle Academy database curriculum.

Gounopoulos holds a PhD in Informatics, a master’s degree in Management Information Systems, and a bachelor’s degree in Applied Informatics from the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. He also holds a bachelor’s degree from the department of Environmental Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and has Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.

He publishes and reviews articles in academic and scientific journals and in international conference proceedings. Gounopoulos also has worked as an expert evaluator in many EU-funded projects in Greece and abroad.

Oracle Academy: Can you tell us how long you have been using Oracle Academy resources?

Elias Gounopoulos: Before teaching, I worked in business for a number of years and used Oracle software in many projects. So, when I started in academia, I thought it would be good to teach Oracle database. Through my contacts I found out about Oracle Academy and attended some training seminars in Thessaloniki in 2010. I have been using the database curriculum ever since. My syllabus has been designed around Oracle Academy’s courses Database Design, Database Foundations, and Database Programming with PL/SQL.

The Department of Informatics also use the database curriculum. And, recently, Oracle Academy staff met with my colleagues from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, discussing the advantages of using Oracle Academy resources.

Oracle Academy: And in what way do database skills tie into the business administration section?


I believe that everyone in business should know something about data. Whatever career path you choose, you have to work with data, manipulate it into information, and therefore you need to understand the tools and the software. Oracle Academy curriculum provides my students with the ideal entry into the data business, teaching them how to design and create databases and how to use SQL.

Elias Gounopoulos: I believe that everyone in business should know something about data. Whatever career path you choose, you have to work with data, manipulate it into information, and therefore you need to understand the tools and the software. Students may become accountants or sales managers or occupy any number of roles in both the public and private sector. But understanding data is today a prerequisite to success. Oracle Academy curriculum provides my students with the ideal entry into the data business, teaching them how to design and create databases and how to use SQL.

Database knowledge is a must in the public sector too. In addition to my work here I teach part time at the Hellenic Open University. It’s distance learning for working people earning a master’s degree in Public Administration and eGovernment. My course is called E-Governance Information Systems, focusing on the characteristics of EGISs that differentiate them from other information systems.

Oracle Academy: What sort of database exercises do you assign them?

Elias Gounopoulos: A large part of the course is project-based. I try to give students practical assignments to make the classes more interesting. Students work in teams and use real-life scenarios to design and build relational databases and apps. These assignments help them to develop critical thinking skills and to solve business problems. They learn how to use SQL and SQL functions effectively.

In the master’s course, students must design and create a business-related database using SQL. Each year I try to think of different scenarios. Sometimes I use Oracle Academy scenarios, such as the very nice DJs on Demand or the Global Fast Foods case study. I also create my own scenarios, such as the logical data structures of the shipping department of a big company, or a football team, and so on. What’s important is that students learn to program business questions, query with SQL, and get to understand the entire database development life cycle.

Oracle Academy: We understand that you also use Oracle APEX.

Elias Gounopoulos: When my undergraduates and master's students come to write their theses, I get them to use Oracle APEX for building cloud applications, a very nice tool for this purpose. This semester they created a website replicating the National Basketball Association, populated with statistics, rankings and NBA news. Combining their database knowledge with APEX, they produced an easy-to-use site for navigating teams, players, and all the other intricacies of basketball. Other students worked with Oracle APEX on an HR/Payroll app.

Oracle Academy: Are you looking at other resources besides the database curriculum?


My goal is for students to have hands-on experience with leading-edge software and applications that will equip them to improve Greek businesses. Oracle Academy resources are the best way to help them learn new skills and keep up with all the changing information technology. And for me, Oracle Academy not only provides great teaching resources but allows me to self-develop, keep up with innovations and tools for passing them on to students.

Elias Gounopoulos: Currently, I am looking into what Oracle Cloud can offer through the Oracle Academy Cloud Program. Oracle NetSuite interests me too for my business course, especially for those studying accounting. Then there’s Oracle Primavera for project management, which I am qualified in but have not taught. In fact, Oracle Academy has a lot to offer, and I need to explore more. My goal is for students to have hands-on experience with leading-edge software and applications that will equip them to improve Greek businesses. Oracle Academy resources are the best way to help them learn new skills and keep up with all the changing information technology.

And for me, Oracle Academy not only provides great teaching resources but allows me to self-develop, keep up with innovations and tools for passing them on to students. I need to make my classes fresh and my own job interesting, attempting to learn new stuff year over year. Being an Institutional member is a great advantage, no doubt about that.

Oracle Academy: Do you prepare students for professional certifications?

Elias Gounopoulos: I make sure that they complete Oracle Academy courses in order to certify their knowledge with award badges and certificates. These can then be uploaded to LinkedIn and used in their resumés. They demonstrate ability to self-learn and are recognized as such by employers.

I also encourage students to prepare for the Oracle Professional Associate certification exams.

At the same time, the Oracle Academy Career Center offers a wide range of career-based learning modules, detailing the skills needed for roles in, for example, engineering and development, corporate functions or in sales organizations.

Oracle Academy: And what do you enjoy outside of teaching?

Elias Gounopoulos: I’m trying to find more time to spend with my three daughters and my wife. Otherwise, I read a lot, and I like football and sports in general. Up here in Northern Greece the sea is not far away, and two of my favorite pastimes are swimming and canoeing. It’s fun to be able to leave the classroom and be in the warm water within an hour.

Thank you, Dr. Elias Gounopoulos, for your passion for Oracle Academy and for preparing your students to make a positive impact.

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