
Teach, learn, and develop in the cloud


Oracle Academy brings the cloud to our Institutional members through three programs.

Oracle Academy Cloud Program

The Oracle Academy Cloud Program provides access to Oracle Cloud Free Tier to Oracle Academy Institutional members and their students for teaching, learning, and developing in the cloud. Member educators and their higher education students can access always-free Oracle Autonomous Database, Compute Virtual Machines (VM), object storage, data egress, and other essential building blocks needed to create applications on top of Oracle Autonomous Databases.

Oracle APEX

Oracle Academy provides Institutional members and their students access to Oracle Application Express (APEX), a cloud-based, low-code development platform that enables users to build scalable, secure enterprise apps, for hands-on practice in the cloud.

Oracle NetSuite

For Oracle Academy Institutional members that are post-secondary institutions with experience in SaaS ERP, CRM, SCM, or eCommerce, Oracle Academy offers leading cloud-based business management software NetSuite and NetSuite OneWorld in a limited number of countries. These SaaS solutions prepare students for careers by helping them build the key business skills and practical experience employers seek.